A sense of routine and a more structured learning environment are proven to massively increase learning speeds for young children - and TopTekkers can help.

Studies indicate that when children learn in a structured environment, what they are learning can be controlled by teachers, parents and coaches in order to reach more specific goals and achievements. Also, their ability to manage themselves and be self-disciplined will develop.

Replicating this type of learning in a football and coaching environment is very important for young players and when teams attend training sessions this is usually how they practice.

However, as most teams only get to practice once or twice a week the routine of practicing football can prove difficult to sustain throughout a young child’s regular week.

This is where TopTekkers can help - a range of challenges, easy-to-follow tutorials and Individual Learning Plans that can be created within a minute. The app provides a mobile learning environment with the right amount of structure, so that young players can practice efficiently and get the most out of their training.

As a parent, time at home to ensure a child has a routine to further their development can often be very limited. The tutorials that accompany every challenge require minimal amounts of instruction which means that children can be left to their own devices, allowing parents to spend their time in other ways.

“The instruction is so clear, he’s never had to come to me and say – “Mom, how do I do this or what do I do here?" – Its so super-friendly from a parent’s perspective and from a child’s”

Emily – TopTekkers Parent User

The majority of the TopTekkers challenges focus on developing and refining the fundamentals of a player’s skillset. For any young aspiring football player this should be the main aim of their practice.

Playground Centre suggests that when developing these types of skills, structured activities are the most effective way of doing so.

Creating Individual Learning Plans for children can help to introduce more structure into a child’s daily routine. Once assigned, by a coach or parent, players can devote an hour or more when they are off school or return home from school.

These plans have been particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic as children have much more spare time and what better way to fill it than practising their TopTekkers.

The Individual Learning Plans allow progress to be tracked so that parents and children can view the levels of development. Tracked progression combined with the different trophies that can be achieved for each challenge provide specific goals for children to strive towards whilst operating in a structured learning environment.

Sign up for a TopTekkers account today.